Let's write your very first song together?
I want to bring you to Munich so we can spend time in my studio and come up with a full song from scratch about one of your personal stories. All FOR FREE! 

Too good to be true? Let me explain on this quick video below:
Let's write a song together!
Imagine your most favorite story becoming a real song...
I’m inviting one fan to my home studio to write a song about your life for FREE.

Introducing The Macul Songwriting Experience Giveaway
Let's do it
📝 Writing a song with me in person over three days (One of your life stories will become music to share with the world)

✒️ I will give you a songwriting credit (You will earn songwriting royalties from the song we make together)

🕵️ I’ll show you everything I know about being a songwriter (Get an insight into my songwriting process)

🎛️ See my personal studio (Use the equipment I’ve used for all my songs)

👊 Let's get to know each other (Let’s become lifelong friends)

🎥 Document the full process (We will have our own behind-the-scenes video that you can share with anyone)

🎤 Get lifetime FREE access to any of my shows (the winner will never have to pay to see me live ever again!)

AND that's not all, I’m throwing in early access to my new single “Make 'em Feel Good” as a bonus if you enter right now. I’ll send it straight to your inbox instantly! (you don’t have to wait for it to go live on streaming platforms like everyone else)

Not sure when I'll do something like this again.
Are you ready to
come to munich? then Let's go!
✅ Amazing! Check your inbox!
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